Veronica Gurov

MSc Nursing (Adult), BSc (Hons) Acupuncture, MAAC


Veronica started working in the healthcare environment as a medical face-to-face Interpreter. Working with patients in hospitals and at doctors’ surgeries, an interpreter must build a good base knowledge of different diseases, human anatomy, medical terminology, etc. Veronica has always been curious and inquisitive about the world around her and had an endless thirst for knowledge. Her passion for reading helped Veronica to prepare for her interpreting assignments, research the subject beforehand, and complete her tasks successfully and smoothly. Veronica enjoyed working with patients in the healthcare environment and became interested in the medical field. After some time, she started considering a career in healthcare. She has always been inclined to use less aggressive natural medicine solutions as first-line treatment for her own and her family’s health issues. After some consideration, Veronica decided to choose a complementary medicine degree course.

In 2017, Veronica started working towards BSc (Hons) in Acupuncture, and after 3 years she graduated with a first class honours degree. She enjoyed the programme which had an integrative approach. During the course, in addition to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), she studied anatomy, physiology, pathology, differential diagnosis and even psychology which offered her an opportunity to link the wisdom of traditional medicine with the evidence-based knowledge of modern medical science. Due to this approach, Veronica has become convinced that traditional natural medicine and conventional medical care shouldn’t be considered alternatives to each other despite their different attitudes to treating illnesses. Each of them has its own advantages. While traditional medicine falls outside the paradigm of modern healthcare, offering whole-body support and gradual healing which is good for treating long-term conditions and achieving long-lasting improvement, modern medicine excels in acute and emergency care, diagnostic tools, testing, and surgical procedures. Veronica believes that an integrative approach in healthcare can largely contribute to a better quality of care.

In 2021, Veronica applied for postgraduate study and was offered a place at the University of Lincoln. She recently completed MSc in Nursing (Pre-registration- Adult) degree. During her two-year programme, she completed over 2000 hours of clinical placement looking after patients in hospital and community healthcare settings including acute and critical care. The programme offered her a lot of opportunities to expand her knowledge of various medical conditions and their management.

As a registered healthcare professional and Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioner she is committed to providing safe and effective care. Veronica has a passion for healing and uses her own approach to health assessment combining knowledge of conventional medicine with TCM diagnostic methods. For example, during the consultation, in addition to traditional medicine diagnostic methods such as checking the quality of your pulse and examination of your tongue appearance, she can carry out a full nursing assessment including measuring your blood pressure, or blood oxygen saturation and even obtaining samples for rapid blood tests. Veronica uses the information collected during the assessment to determine what therapeutic methods may benefit the individual to improve their condition and maintain their health and well-being. Active listening and responding to patients’ concerns are her priority. She has a high degree of compassion and enjoys helping people feel better physically, mentally, and spiritually.